In this post I explain how to configure a node.js application to use of WebSockets when hosting it in IIS 8 using iisnode. This complements a recent post in which I showed how to host node.js WebSocket applications in IIS on Windows using iisnode and faye-websocket module. The complete...

The iisnode project allows hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows. The recent v0.2.0 release not only added support for WebSockets, but also enhanced the diagnostics capabilities of iisnode. This post describes how you can use the new iisnode-debug HTTP response header to get insights into the state of your...

Note: if you are interested in hosting WebSocket applications in IIS using iisnode, check out the more recent post at The recent release of iisnode v0.2.0 enables using WebSockets in node.js applications hosted in IIS 8.  This functionality requires Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8. To read more...

The latest release of Windows Azure Web Sites adds support for selecting the version of the node.js engine to run your application with. Several node.js versions are currently supported out of the box (0.6.17, 0.6.20, and 0.8.2 as of this writing), with more to come in the future. The node.js...

I have been working lately on the httpsys project, which offers an HTTP.SYS based HTTP[S] stack for node.js applications running on Windows. The basic idea is to replace the HTTP stack built into node.js with HTTP.SYS while preserving the shape and behavior of HTTP APIs in node.js to the extent...

One of the benefits of hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows using iisnode is that you can use the functionality of the many IIS modules for greater utility and improved performance. I have already talked about using the URL rewrite module to improve the performance of node.js applications that...

I have recently conducted a poll on Twitter to get and idea about the features people expect from an ideal platform for hosting web applications written in node.js. I asked only one question: “What features do you expect from a platform for hosting node.js web applications?”. This was followed by...

In this post I am sharing high level, general observations related to performance implications of choosing one of the two major ways of hosting node.js HTTP applications on Windows. Node.js HTTP applications can be run in two ways on Windows today: by self-hosting the application using the node.exe process directly...

In this post I compare and contrast three ways of deploying node.js applications to Windows Azure to help you choose a method that is best suited to your requirements. Windows Azure is an application hosting platform operated by Microsoft that supports a variety of application technologies: from ASP.NET, PHP, node.js,...

If you are like most node.js developers, you develop your code on a Mac and host it on GitHub. With the git-azure project I started recently, you can now deploy that code to Windows Azure directly from your development environment. What is git-azure? Git-azure is a tool and runtime environment...