Tomek on Software
Software - shaken, not stirred
Performance of HTTP polling duplex server-side channel in Microsoft Silverlight 3
Introduction Silverlight supports a communication protocol that allows a server to asynchronously send messages to a Silverlight client (“push”) using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. This feature is based on a polling duplex (HTTP long polling, or Comet-style) protocol, and ships as two DLLs in the Microsoft Silverlight SDK, both...
AJAX client for HTTP polling duplex WCF channel in Microsoft Silverlight 3
This sample shows how an AJAX browser application can receive asynchronous data notifications from a WCF service exposed using the HTTP polling duplex protocol that shipped in Microsoft Silverlight 3. The sample code contains a reusable, standalone JavaScript library (sl3duplex.js) which implements the client side of the polling duplex protocol....
Pub/sub sample using HTTP polling duplex WCF channel in Microsoft Silverlight 3
NOTE Many people reading this post are really looking for a publish\subscribe solution for Silverlight to implement a web chat or a stock quote application for the browser, a multiplayer online game, or some form of a web based collaboration tool, among others. If that fits your profile, you may...
Adoption of WCF technologies in Silverlight 2 applications on the web
Microsoft Silverlight 2 is the first version of the .NET client development platform which contains Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) components. The Silverlight platform in this version is primarily targeting rich internet application development. Such applications execute in a security sandbox that limits the choices for data exchange with the outside...
Discipline oriented team structure in software development
Software teams fall into three categories with respect to the relationship between development and testing. Some are ignorant about testing to the extent of letting customers do it, and hence only have developer positions. Some consider the discipline split fundamental to the point of reflecting it in the organization structure...